
I Need A New Title For This Blog

"Interesting Times" is, not too surprisingly, taken. If you read this, please feel free to suggest a new title in the comments. Your originality will be greatly appreciated.

Check out the goofball! I need inspiration...


Bunche (pop culture ronin) said...

How about "The Fuckstick Chronicles?" Or "Guido in the Woods?"

Jared said...

"Drivel from th Dofus", "Special Needs John's Special Blog", "Ugly is a Lifestyle Choice", and finally (well for now) "Meat Curtain".

Jared said...

Hey! You haven't changed the title to "John Bligh's Meat Curtain" yet.

Bunche (pop culture ronin) said...

"Talk to the Butt" is inspired, but how about "Da Boy From Blommack?"

Jared said...

Shhhhh. He doesn't want people to know he's from Blommack. He's trying to forget the pain.

John Bligh said...

Eh. I'm over the whole Commack thing. How does "I Live In The Woods" sound? Too ghey? Too serial killer-ish? I used to use that, but got sick of it.

How about "Clapton Is Dog" or "I have Kitties" or "Fork You, Wisenheimer"? Something completely non-sensical and stupid.

Shit. I dunno.

Jared said...

If you are going to go non-sensical than you have to pick two or three random words from the dictionary and stick with whatever comes up.

dave said...

fuzzy chopsticks.